Tuesday, 9 December 2014



NARRATOR:This is a real or a dream history but that doesn't matter once upon a time Phileas Fogg and Passepartout traveled through Egypt and is where our story begins.

PHILEAS FOGG:Passepartout finally we arrived to Egypt,which means that our search Perfume Pharaoh Hatshepsut is about to begin.

PASSEPARTOUT: Hey!! look owner what is that?

PHILEAS FOGG:Those are the fireworks that are setting them in Egypt today is Christmas.

PASSEPARTOUT: Owner  to finish our sought in Egypt we can celebrate Christmas please .

PHILEAS FOGG:Well just because it's Christmas we can pass before then continue our search .

PASSEPARTOUT: Thank you owner.

NARATHOR: Phileas Fogg and PASSEPARTOUT to reach Egypt saw people celebrating dancing and dining  PASSEPARTOUT asked someone the meaning of her dancing and answer only one person knew that she knew language.

AOUDA:In these dances that we want to convey joy to all , leaving the mind to travel through time in these so very important holidays in our religion. It's his way of saying thank you for all you 've had this year and ask for good things to come.

PHILEAS FOGG:That's very interesting lady could talk more about how they celebrate Christmas.

AOUDA:If gladly please follow me.

PASSEPARTOUT:Lord the truth is interested me most this Christmas issue of the perfume.

PHILEAS FOGG:Me too Passepartout.

AOUDA:It is also tradition , going to midnight mass at which attendance is almost mandatory because they bless the year that is to come in and do our gods prayers thanking our fortunes and wealth.

PASSEPARTOUT:  Lady I investigate that also the birth of Jesus is celebrated here in Egypt on 25 December, but January 7.

PHILEAS FOGG:You were ready!!.

AOUDA: You are correct Passepartout.Christmas in Egypt is beautiful just not everyone knows but now you already know and you too (LOOKING TO THE PUBLIC).

NARATHOR:Phileas Fogg and PASSEPARTOUT celebrated Christmas at maximum in Egypt with his new friend Aouda.

PASSEPARTOUT:This is the best Christmas of my life.

                                      THE END


Egipcian Christmas story

Long ago in ancient Egypt Keket was with his mother in the castle waiting for his father for Christmas dinner , which was ten minutes before the Christmas dinner when the father comes  Keket house that was helping his subjects to protect against frost that  it will be at night. Keket love her father he was a good pharaoh he help his subjects and her daughter at the time their daughter open her gifts her mother tell her that she was expecting a baby  Keket was surprised she will have a sister or a brother  if it is a girl she will be named Neftis and if it is a boy he is going to be called Adom.

Ferdinand de Lesseps and Christmas

There was once a man called Ferdinand de Lesseps, who dreamed in making a channel that crossed trough the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.
One day, when he was 54 years old, with the help of the crown prince Said, he started to design a channel that passed trough the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.
When he started the project, he didn't thought about the politic and geostrategic implications, when the Britannic government realize about that project, it started to push the Egypt government to stop the project because it united India with England by the Mediterranean Sea. But it didn't make it, and the project continue.
The dead of prince Said, affected the project, because it was relief by Ismail Pacha, who tried to stop the project by getting the constructors out of there, but Ferdinand de Lesseps introduced modern machines.
One day in January 7th they celebrated Christmas by stop working and eating the Egypt typic food.
And every one lived happy for ever!!!

José (Pipo)

                                  Around the world in 80 days

In December 25 Phileas Fogg and passepartout. They are happy because is Christmas there celebrate vessel. but the vessel is with technic problem and the place more close country is Egypt he go for Egypt. He they saw the person is not celebrate Christmas there are very sad he stay in a beautiful hotel
of 5 ⭐️. In the room he celebrate Christmas with fruit because they don t find steak. 
A president of Egypt was angry because they snatched things of the grave of Tutankamon the president think that they do  Phileas Fogg and passepartout. They order that they kill   Phileas Fogg and passepartout. That they learned he hid in different place.they hid in Luxor and they saw the thief they discover because he had a lioness of gold he catch here and they hand over for the policed.
There are very happy because he celebrate happy new year and he celebrate Christmas  in January 6 in the Other day he go to another place to Bombay in a airplane.

Bruise lost in Egypt?

In a big land of sand, there was a young guy called Bruse, but he was lost In the hot desert of Egypt. One day he was walking alone when he saw two men in a van, he ask them if they could take it to the city, the men didn't said anything and they kidnaped. When he woke up he was attached to a chair with a cloth in the mouth so he couldn't speak and the men in the van were distracted so he and other men were trying to escape and they could, some of them went to the city and some of them were just trying to run, but he was just trying to go home to have a great Christmas with his family, that was on Egypt. At the next day he went to the city to search for a car but they weren't, there were only camels but the worst thing was that he didn't have money because the men stole him, so he decide to go walking to her wife's house. Finally he arrived to the house and he enjoyed the dinner with his family.


 (• •)

A Perfect Christmas

An Egyptian girl named Azeneth  was waiting for Christmas eve on January 6th.  She was preparing her backpack , when she  was ready, her mother Isis told her that they couldn't  travel in the hot air balloon to their grandparents' house because there was a lot of snow.  Azeneth insisted that they could go by car.
When they were driving they had to  stop the  car, because of the snow storm and they had to stay in the "Rainbow hotel"  some children in the hotel were waiting for Baba Noel and were decorating the place with a Christmas Lebkuchen and eating food .
Azeneth's grandparents called her daugther.   They were worried so  Isis told them  they had to spend the night at the hotel.  Azeneth  asked a wish to Baba Noel, she closed her eyes.  Her wish became real!!!!   When she opened the biggest present her grandparents were inside!!!!

The following day all the family travelled back in the hot air balloon and they had the most fantastic and magic Christmas.

Camila Velasco

Christmas in Egypt

When Phileas Fogg  and Pasparto visited Egypt benefit to investigate about the Christmas in Egypt  because their hot air  ballon was broken  and this day they knew about of on the eve of January 6, the Christians go to the churches to celebrate. Priests wear ceremonial clothes and all the bells in both the churches and the monasteries ring. The church broadcasts their ceremonies throughout the nation. After the church service, people return to their homes where they dine on soup and fatta which is meat and rice.
The children of Egypt receive new clothes for Christmas along with a few small gifts. Even though it is illegal in Egypt  .Is it thought that Santa Claus, who they call Sint Clas, arrives and leaves these small gifts.
The meal that is traditional in Egypt for this holiday is a very simple diet of peas, beans, cucumbers, dates, figs, and grapes. For the main course families enjoy eating roast meats. The types of meat that are typically eaten are red meats and fish. 

One day one boy helped in the hot air ballon because this boy sawthe person important and then Pasparto and Fogg go to Bombay and say thanks to the boy.


The man that arrived to Egypt and discovered Christmas

One day a man arrived to Egypt because his boss sent him to Egypt to work 3 years, he didn't now any  traditions in Egypt but he discovered that in Egypt Christmas is in January 7 they he eat Fatta with rice and meat with a Egyptian family they tell him that  Christmas cards are also a highly respected tradition in Egypt, they  go to bazaars and he discovered that people in the bazaars give all the things at low prices and something very important is that at midnight, during Mass, the church bells began to peal , announcing the arrival of Christ to the world and many temples in Egypt are considered part of the route of the Holy Family on their journey through the country but when pass the 3 years he had to went but he like a lot Egyptian traditions and he  remain in Egipt another year.😄

By: Gustavo 


Once upon a time in Egypt a girl was lost with her brother, they had to go to the Suez Canal where their family was, then the days passed and they was hungry and cold. One day they found two persons called Phileas Fogg and Passepartout, the two children ask to them where was the Suez Canal because they was lost, Phileas Fogg and Passepartout said that they where going to go to the Suez Canal and all of them went to the Suez Canal.
The next day the family was celebrating Christmas, and in Egypt about 15% of people are Christians. And they are the only part of the population who really celebrate Christmas 
Christmas Day isn't celebrated on the 25th December but on Egypt they celebrate on January 7th. The family was very happy.


Monday, 1 December 2014

Las Posadas

Una de las fiestas decembrinas maravillosas

La posada es un de las tradiciones mexicanas más arraigadas como preparación a la Navidad.
EL 16 de Diciembre inician tradicionalmente la posadas, fiestas muy mexicanas vinculadas al fervor religioso. Son días de "PEDIR POSADA"; de romper piñatas llenas de dulces. El inicio de las posadas es justo nueve días antes de la Navidad
Las posadas navideñas son una celebración tradicional de México, recordando la búsqueda de posada por parte de José y María en Belén
Una posada tradicional inicia con el rezo del rosario.
 La tradicional piñata es una estrella de siete picos que representan los siete pecados capitales : SOBERBIA, AVARICIA, LUJURIA, IRA, GULA,  ENVIDIA Y PEREZA.

Para distribuir la piñata se cubren lo ojos, pues la única guía es la fe.
Representa al evangelio, con lo cual se distribuye al pecado los demás participantes.
Las bolsitas llenas de cacahuates y dulces son un signo de dar comunión.
Representan a la Virgen y San José.

Camila Velasco


                                         ¿QUE ES UNA POSADA?

Las Posadas son fiestas populares que se celebran en México, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, y Panamá durante los nueve días antes de la Navidad, es decir, del 16 al 24 de diciembre. Estas fiestas recuerdan el peregrinaje de María y José desde su salida de Nazaret hasta Belén, donde buscan un lugar para alojarse y esperar el nacimiento del niño Jesús.


Las Posadas se crearon desde los primeros evangelizadores: el fraile agustino Diego Soria solicitó autorización al Papa para llevar a cabo nueve misas en los días anteriores a la Navidad para celebrar el nacimiento de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo como el verdadero sol y luz del mundo, a lo que el Vaticano respondió afirmativamente. Esto debido a que los indígenas celebraban, por las mismas fechas, una importante fiesta en honor del nacimiento del dios de la guerra, Huitzilopochtli, Además de los rituales observados en honor a este dios, durante la conquista el pueblo azteca solía comprar un esclavo propicio para representar al dios Quetzalcóatl, quien según las creencias de los aztecas, bajaba a visitarlos durante las fiestas en conmemoración del sol viejo. 

                                          PIÑATAS SU SIGNIFICADO

La piñata que se usa en las Posadas (y que también ha venido a utilizarse en muchas otras celebraciones del año, con el paso del tiempo) es una artesanía elaborada con barro y papel.

Según la tradición religiosa adoptada en España y posteriormente en América en el siglo XVI, la piñata tiene forma de estrella con siete picos; cada pico es un pecado capital. Debe romperse con un palo, que representa la fortaleza y fuerza de Dios con la que alguien, por ensayo y error y con los ojos vendados, en representación de la fe ciega en Dios, la quebrará. Al romperse, la caída de los dulces y las frutas representa las recompensas y dones que, por vencer al pecado, reciben todos los participantes.


                                       ¿SABÍAS QUE?..........

 En Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela se celebra la Novena de Aguinaldos, fiesta religiosa muy similar.


Hay dos tipos de posadas, las posadas en las que la gente se hospeda y las posadas en honor a los nueve meses de gestación de María.
En este párrafo se hablarán de la posadas en honor a los nueve meses de gestación de María.
Las Posadas son fiestas celebradas en honor a los nueve meses de gestación de María celebradas del 16 al 24 de diciembre.
Los padres de Jesús fueron desde Jerusalén hasta Belén para empadronarse, pero la madre de Jesús estaba embarazada y cuando llegaron a Belén empezaron a pedir posada, pero   
Las Posadas se crearon por el fraile agustino y Diego Soria quien solicitó autorización al Papa para llevar a cabo nueve misas en los días anteriores a la Navidad para celebrar los nueve meses de gestación de María, a lo que el Papa respondió que si.
José (Pipo)


Las Posadas

Las Posadas son fiestas populares que se celebran en México, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, y Panamá durante los nueve días antes de la Navidad, es decir, del 16 al 24 de diciembre. 
Estas fiestas recuerdan el peregrinaje de María y José desde su salida de Nazaret hasta Belén.

Al terminar las letanías se dividen en dos grupos: uno entra a la casa y otro pide posada imitando a San José y la Santísima Virgen cuando llegaron a Belén. Los peregrinos reciben acogida por parte del grupo que se encuentra en el interior. Luego sigue la fiesta con el canto de villancicos y se termina rompiendo las piñatas.

Las piñatas 

Según la tradición religiosa adoptada en España y posteriormente en América en el siglo XVI, la piñata tiene forma de estrella con siete picos; cada pico es un pecado capital. Debe romperse con un palo, que representa la fortaleza y fuerza de Dios con la que alguien, por ensayo y error y con los ojos vendados, en representación de la fe ciega en Dios, la quebrará. Al romperse, la caída de los dulces y las frutas representa las recompensas y dones que, por vencer al pecado, reciben todos los participantes.


Las posadas son una tradición decembrina mexicana que surgió a partir de los intensos esfuerzos de evangelización de los frailes en el Siglo XVI. Según se cree, las fiestas que los indígenas tenían para celebrar las cosechas o en honor a su dios Huitzilopochtli fueron reemplazadas por esta forma de rendir culto al Dios Cristiano. Nadie sabe en realidad cuál fue el primer pueblo en celebrar estos ritos, pero muchos señalan a San Agustín de Acolman en el Estado de México como el lugar de surgimiento. 

Las posadas originalmente consistían de una representación del peregrinar de la virgen María y de José antes del nacimiento de Jesús en Belén. Se realizaban durante los 9 días previos al 24 de diciembre, fecha en que se celebra la Navidad. Muchos creen que son 9 días por el simbolismo del embarazo, 9 meses. La representación puede llevarse a cabo mediante el uso de “peregrinos” en forma de estatuas que cargan los fieles o por personas ataviadas como María y José. Mientras los peregrinos van de casa en casa pidiendo “posada”, es costumbre recitar cánticos y oraciones.
