Thursday, 31 October 2019

Cueztalli and her Children


Our investigation about the different types of architectural styles, led us to the story of a representative place in our city, Xochimilco, from the time where Mixtecas tlatoanis governed this area, to the period where Franciscanos missioners came to indoctrinate "natives".
Legend definition .
1.    A legend is a literary genre that combines reality and fantasy.
2.    It can be passed generation by generation through the time.
3.    it is part of the oral tradition in our country.
Our Learning Process:
   Fine Arts:
  We learned that most of the architectural styles are inspired by Roman and Greek styles; Most of the architectural styles use elements that represent the social and historical events of each period. We learned that architects make a plan using different units of measure and shapes to set their ideas.

Languaje Arts:
We learned the characteristics of different literary genres, the elements in the plot.

Social and Emotional Education:

We learned that collaborative work is essential to succeed in a group project. We recognized some of our strengths and weaknesses  and how to use them to take part in a common activity.

Resultado de imagen para trajineras de xochimilco