Wednesday, 25 May 2016























FLASH: In a superheroes school, between Metropoli and Gotham city some superheroes were in the classroom.


BLACK PANTHER: In the SUPERPOWER advanced class, everything was awful ´cause some of them were enemies, and that was a bad bad thing.


THE JOKER:  Let’s take a glance.  Just watch  Batman,  Robin,  Green Lantern, Black Panther and Hawk Eye, are great friends.    They like to be rude and they  think themselves as very intelligent. (music Batman Prince)


B: Good morning my smart friends!

R: Holy Morning Batman, I read the quantic physics book all night.

HE: Well my friends I didn´t have a good sleep thinking about the third law of gravity applied to my arrows

BP: Ja, Last night I went to bed very late I just finished my poems’ encyclopedia.

B: Wow,   Perfect!  We are the best group in this school. Poor of them!!!


STORM:  Here is another group: Superman , Iron Man, Thor, Cap. America, Flash , they are the popular superheroes in the school, strong , handsome, and really nice guys. (music Superman 70´s)


SM: Work , work work hard! My body is perfect!

Iron Man: I´m great, handsome and billionaire haha

Cap. America: Look at my muscles, they`re awesome!

Flash: My legs are great and the fastest in this school , yeah!!

SM: We`re great, the best of the school!


ROBIN: Two weeks ago three new students entered the school.    They were accepted but the students felt uncomfortable cause they began to hear gossips about them.


STORM: AAAGHHH!!! this is awful, and I don’t want to be here!! Help meeeeee!!!


SpiderM: What´s wrong with you? This school is awesome, I waited many years to be here!!


Joker: hahahahaha I don`t know what to say, hahahahaha I just want some friends hahahahaha


STORM: Why are you laughing all the time?   Are you nuts?


GREEN LANTERN: Storm sat in a corner, she didn’t want to talk to anyone, but Batman invited her to be part of the Smart Group.


ST: What do you want?

B: I have noticed that you`re clever, do you want to be with the unique and best team of this school.

ST: MMMM I don`t know, maybe… mmm well yes I prefer to be with you, not with them!! Ahhhhgggg


THOR: Meanwhile, Superman intercepted Spiderman, and they began a good friendship. 


SM: Hi!! You are amazing, your powers are great!

SpiderM: Yes?? Really??? Thank you!!!! Oh well well Yes I´m great, and awesome and handsome, and…

Thor: Take it easy, we are Perfect!! Look at me , I`m a GOD!!!

Cap. America: We’re real superheroes, we’re struggling to have have an extraordinary school.  HA!

Flash: Do you want to be with us? 

Spider: Yesssssss!!! Great!!!!


CAP. AMERICA:  What happened with Joker? He is weird, always smiling , so nobody wanted to be his friend.  Instead they started to bully him.

In recess Superman and their friends started to throw his lunch and told him bad words.


SP:Look at that freak!   hahahaha give me your lunch!

TJ: No, I`m hungry!

SP: Freaky you’re weird (hahahaha) and terrible.

TJ: Why are you doing this?

SP:’Cause I want and I can, do you have a problem? hahahahaha


IRON MAN: Batman and his team did the same, they stepped on him several times.  Joker was very sad, he knew  his differences were huge, but he only wanted a friend.


B: Hey weird, watch out!!! hahahahaha

R: look at him, he`s a dump guy hahahahaha

Storm: I'll take some lightnings to wake you up fool!!

R:Holy light Batman!!

GL: Do you want more? weird weird weird!!!


HAWK EYE: The days went by, and Joker was sad and angry, ´cause everyone treated him bad, so he started to make a plan to have a revenge.


TJ: hahahahaha they´ll see my madness!


BLACK PANTHER: The Joker told Batman bad things about Superman, and The Joker´s revenge started. 


Joker: HI Batboy !!! hahahahaha

Batman: What do you want weird?

Joker: Do you know what is Superman saying   about you?


(The Joker whispers in Batman´s ear)


Batman:What????, What’s wrong with that piece of muscle??? He´ll see!!

Joker: hahahahaha I want to see it hahahahaha


SPIDERMAN: Batman was angry and he went with Robin and their friends, and they got angry too.

Superman´s team were doing exercise and having fun, when suddenly Batman´s team arrived and they started to shout them rude words. 


BATMAN: What happens with you allien?


ROBIN: Holy bad guys Batman!

CAP. AME.: We are the justice, we are always right, and you`re dangerous!!!

GREEN LANTERN: You`re so silly.

HAWK EYE: Let`s fight.......

SpiderM: Yes!!!


…and the fight started




SUPERMAN: Nobody won, they were really hurt, and The Joker was having lots of satisfaction, he was laughing of them. 

Suddenly Cap. America and Hawk Eye noticed the action, and they started to follow The Joker, he ran as fast as he could,  he almost escaped but Storm and Green Lantern caught him and took him to Superman and Batman.

Robin started to hit him, everyone was angry but Flash stopped him.


Flash asked The Joker :  Why did you do that? 

The Joker:  Cause all of you have been cruel with me and that makes me feel angry and sad.

Flash and Thor: We`re sorry, it wasn´t our intention. 

Flash to Batman`s team and Superman`s team:  It isn’t fair to treat anybody that way.    Everybody is different and we have to respect and accept them as they are.


Spiderman:“A great power is a huge responsibility”


Thor: I want to celebrate our friendship, let`s have a party

Everybody: Yeah!!!


BATMAN: So Superman and Batman organized a party that night , and finally they had fun and The Joker started to be an excellent student and a Superheroe,  why? Because all of us have a Superheroe inside.


(Dance Up Town Funk)



Tuesday, 24 May 2016


¿Cuál es la función de un tríptico?
El tríptico funciona para anunciar algo y hacer publicidad

¿Cuantos tipos de tríptico hay?
Al centro, envolvente, zigzag, tríptico, tríptico ventana

¿Qué tipo de información tiene un tríptico?
A quien va dirigido, la idea básica y fundamental, fecha de inicio y promoción.


Friday, 20 May 2016

pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda was a poet , writer, politician of "chile"
he was burn in 12 of June of 1904 in "parral, chile"🇨🇱
his real name was "Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto"
his highschool Was "universidad de Chile"
his sign Was 

he died in 23 of september of 1973

Jose Emiliano Pacheco

                                 Hechos de José Emiliano Pacheco 

He was born on June 30 1939, in Mexico City.

He died in January  2014, in Mexico City.

3 Nationality Mexican

4 wife Cristina Pacheco

5 Occupation Writer, translator.

Jose Ricardo

Federico Garcia

Federico García Lorca 


1.-Federico García Lorca born on 1898.
2.-He study her high school.

3.-1908 Spend a few months in Almeria, where he began studying
high school. Early studies of music.
Start drafting the Suites.
1921 Post her book of poems.

5.- 1920 premiere at the Teatro de Madrid Handmaid of his work Hex
Butterfly is a total failure. 

▶ 3:20

Gabriel Rojas

Thursday, 19 May 2016


Zeus is the King of Gods, ruler of Mount Olympus in Greek mythology, and one of the  Twelve Olympians.He is the sixth child of his parents Cronus, ruler of the Titants, and Rhea. His father, Cronus swallowed every child he had with Rhea because he feared the prophecy that his children will overthrow him as ruler of Mount Olympus. 

When Zeus was born, Rhea gave a stone instead of Zeus for Cronus to swallow. Rhea then hid Zeus in safety.


Monday, 16 May 2016

Actividades para el 16 de mayo de 2016

Español: Descripción y narración
Ciencias Naturales: El Sistema Solar
Matemáticas: Estadística
Daily Routine: Realizar UNA página del libro de cursiva

Verbalmente cuestionar a los alumnos para que expresen lo que sí conocen sobre los planetas y nuestro sistema solar, ejemplo: ¿Cuánto mide cada planeta?, ¿qué características como color tienen los planetas?
TIEMPO: 15-20 min

Investigar con las IPads en internet sobre las características de nuestro Sistema Solar respondiendo a las preguntas siguientes: ¿Qué distancia hay de cada planeta al Sol?, ¿cuánta distancia existe entre cada planeta? ¿Qué tamaño tiene cada planeta? ¿Cuántos y cuáles planetas tienen satélites naturales? para después escribir una descripción con lo investigado, además de realizar una tabla con los datos obtenidos en su cuaderno de matemáticas.
TIEMPO: 60 minutos
Publicar en el Blog del grupo la descripción del Sistema Solar así como los datos investigados.

Tarea en AC.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Calidad de vida

Calidad de vida 

¿Qué es la calidad de vida?

Es como vive una persona como: económica, social, política, naturaleza, etc.

¿Qué aspectos se consideran como parte de la calidad de vida?

Económico, social, política y naturales.

¿Los lugares con mayor calidad de vida?

Querétaro, Colima, Monterrey, Mérida y La Paz.

¿Los lugares con menor calidad de vida?

Chimalguapan, Estado de México, Ecatepec, Guerrero y Ciudad de México.

¿Qué proponemos para mejorar la calidad de vida en la cuidad?

Nosotros haríamos que metiéramos a los políticos corruptos a la cárcel y repartan dinero a las personas que lo necesiten y cuidar nuestros recursos naturales.

Miris e Iker.

Calidad de vida

1- ¿Qué es calidad de vida? Es un concepto de sociedad,comunidad etc.

2- ¿Qué aspectos se concideran como parte de la calidad de vida? Sociedad,comunidad etc.

3- ¿Qué estados de nuestra Republica tienen los mejores lugares en calidad de vida? La Paz,Monterrey y Colima.

4.- ¿Cuáles los peores? Michoacán,Sinaloa y Guerrero.

5- Que propones para mejorar la calidad de vida en nuestra ciudad? purificadores de aire en los lugares más críticos.
Santiago y Eduardo.

Calidad de Vida

                                                             Calidad de Vida 
La calidad de vida es un concepto utilizado para evaluar el estado social de una o una comunidad, para medir este concepto es necesario medir algunas variables por ejemplo: ingresos, seguridad, acceso a servicios, empleo, educación, salud, medio ambiente, vivienda, participación ciudadana, etc.

Por ejemplo en México los estados de mayor calidad de vida son: Querétaro, Monterrey, Mérida, Colima y Hermosillo. Guerrero, Chiapas, Estado de México y la Ciudad de México son de los peores estados en cuanto a calidad de vida.

Para poder mejorar la calidad de vida en México necesitamos más oportunidades de empleo, menos violencia y mejores servicios médicos (con mayor eficacia).

Arie Jácome y Manuel Tinoco