Monday, 29 October 2012

Calavera literaria

El grupo de 5to año hizo una investigación sobre Calavera Literaria

La calavera literaria es una composición en verso, tradicional en México. Suelen escribírse en vísperas de día de muertos; donde se habla sobre una persona con características físicas o de carácter.
Son versos irreverentes escritos a modo de epitafio retratando las personas como sí estuvieran muertas.
Se utilizan para canalizar sentimientos que en otro contexto sería difícil expresar.
Suelen acompañarse con dibujos de calaveras 
Son mexicanas 
Son chistosas.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Independence Day!

Once upon a time there were 3 brothers : Eliza ,Damian and Gael
They lived in Chihuahua . The job of their parents was to take care
Of the animals, also de kids planted corn to eat . In that times
They couldn't have fun with their wooden toys.
One day they had an idea to invent a television, they worked very hard
For 5hrs .
Next day they found a space and they started creating a park.
When it started to rain a lightning fall in the park and the children
Started to cry,when rain stoped they saw that the park and the games
become colorful.

Since that time they were famous for inventing things so all kids
Of Mexico made a statue of the 3 siblings.

Amaury and Karen